Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Shopping

It was already warm at 8 a.m. this morning, and the Hollywood Farmers Market was more crowded than usual. I think it was a combination of people wanting to beat the heat, and the attraction of the second-hand book sale. We browsed the books a little, but with the heat and the crowds I just wanted to buy our food and get home.

This is what we bought from the wonderful organic farmers who feed us:
2 cucumbers, 1 green pepper, 1 romaine lettuce, 3 bunches of fat asparagus, 3 red peppers, green beans, a dozen limes, 4 yellow apples whose name I forget, 4 tsugaru apples, 2 honey crisp apples, 15 oranges, cherry tomatoes, 6 ears of corn, a dozen eggs, an avocado, and 1 smallish watermelon.


  1. Corn, in ears, as it should be.
    Did you do something special with the limes?I bet you grilled them!

  2. I did not think of grilling the limes - have you tried that?

  3. Apartment living deprives me of the experience of grilling. I thought you might have tried it because you have year-round grilling and I've seen that you have grilled just about everything :)
