Monday, July 22, 2013

Pain au chocolat

I know - You're saying "Joy, this is supposed to be a blog on healthy eating. Why are you showing me pain au chocolat? Is it a new health food?"

Unfortunately not.

But I ate it anyway.

At home, I eat organic and healthy. When I travel, I let down my hair a little. I won't avoid croissants or cheese or baguette (or red wine, for that matter) when I visit Paris. That would feel weird.

Food in Europe is generally not as pesticided or processed as it is in North America. We eat real food, not fast food, when we travel, and I still don't eat meat or fish because I prefer not to. We walk miles every day when we're in a city, so I don't worry about the calories, and it really is part of the adventure to sit down and eat something very local.

Ah yes, that's my justification for all this decadent food - I was supporting the local food movement!

This was a mid-morning café allongé and pain au chocolat (we split one between us) in a café outside Père Lachaise Métro on our way to see Jim Morrison's grave.

Yes, it was as delicious as it looks.

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