Sunday, February 15, 2015

Five Years!

It was five years today that I published my first post on this blog. Amazing. It doesn't feel like I've been writing for that long, but it also feels like I've been doing it forever.

I celebrated by giving a talk at the Natural Agriculture Conference at the Shumei Center in Pasadena. My topic was Food: an Appreciation. I talked about food and life force - two of my favorite topics!

Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the beautiful array of produce I took with me. But if you've been reading this blog for a while, you know how great it looked.


  1. Sorry I am so late in congratulating you!
    When I upgraded my computer I lost my rss feed for your blog. I wish you had gotten a photo of you at your talk.

  2. Thanks Garden Gnome - Someone was taking pix apparently, but none have got to me yet. (Should have taken my sidekick with me)
