Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pain de Campagne Poilane

Last week I experimented with another recipe in Bernard Clayton Jr's book The Breads of France.

It's a country bread made by one of the famous French bakers of the '50s, Pierre Poilane.

The recipe makes one very large loaf, or four 1-lb loaves. I opted for 4 loaves - three baguettes and one round loaf.

This is the third recipe I've tried from the book, and it was the most difficult. I'm not sure I added enough flour - the dough was very soft. And I'm not sure I cooked the loaves long enough - they were a little dense in the center.

However, we thoroughly enjoyed the baguette we ate with the bean stew on Sunday night.

I think it will take some practice to get the feel for this bread dough. Fortunately, even the not-so-perfect experiments taste good.

1 comment:

  1. Off topic St. Patrick’s Day comment: Our green dinner, spinach soup, artichokes and, avocado on the green salad.

    I laughed at your experiment with cardoons. We will never find out how they were suppose to taste. They don't look like anything I've ever seen.
