Monday, June 14, 2010

Famous Vegetarians

Over the course of our marriage, I’ve gotten to observe the daily challenges (and benefits) of Joy’s vegetarian diet. It seems easy when the food is prepared at home. Not so easy when you’re traveling or trying out new restaurants with your vegetarian wife.

In looking for something entirely unrelated, I stumbled upon this list of famous vegetarians on Wikipedia.

Vegetarians always get the rap that they’re weak and sickly from improper nutrition. But Superman was a vegetarian. Hah!

Here are some golden oldie vegetarians: Confucius, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Issac Newton, and Albert Einstein. I guess the veggies are good for the brain.

And here are some other people on the list: Gustav Mahler, Franz Kafka, Bob Marley, Leo Tolstoy, three out of four Beatles, Johnny Appleseed, John Coltrane.

Not bad company at all.


  1. Dr. Albert Schweitzer also was vegetarian!

  2. Which Beatle wasn't - I think Ringo

  3. Yes, Ringo was the meat-eating rebel of the band.

    And it's funny about Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Haven't heard that name in decades. But I sure grew up learning about him.
